The Gift of Moving your Body
A Glimpse into Ruby-Rose's Wild Mind
The Gift of Moving your Body
Date: 21/7/24
Location: Chilling at home in London
I've spent so many years critiquing and analysing my body. I wish I had a bigger but, smaller and toner stomach, bigger boobs, prettier face and so on. I spent years wishing I looked like society's version of beautiful and normal. But I started to realise their view of beauty is not right.
I look at the women around me and I think they are all beautiful. All different shapes and sizes, beautiful, kind, strong and all bringing something great to this world. Different strengths and gifts that are all as important as the next. They bring love, warmth, strength, compassion and kindness to this world. There is beauty in everyone, when we stop using societies false and unrealistic perception of beauty as a benchmark.
It has taken me years but my mind set around my body has changed. I see it for the amazing vessel for this life and all that it does for me. I think it's taken me to be physically and mentally unwell, for me to truly appreciate what my body does for me. What it does on a daily basis is phenomenal. I thank it daily for all it does for me. The clever mind that can think of a million things at once. I used to think this was an annoying thing, but as I learn more about myself, to love myself and who I am, I learn to control my mind and this is now a strength. I love my strong beautiful legs that allow me to roam this earth, climb that mountain, see that view, run during my football games and dance with joy. I am grateful for my eyes and sight to witness this beautiful world, nature and loved ones. I am grateful for my hearing to hear the beautiful sounds of laughter, kind words, the sound of chirping birds as I walk by trees, and the beach waves as they roll up the sandy beach. I am thankful for the strength I have to lift that box or open that jar or change that tier. I appreciate my arms that can hug and give warmth to my loved ones. I appreciate my body for all it does for me and I give it the kindness and gratitude it deserves.
Our bodies take us through our journey of life. It picks us back up and moves us through places and times we didn't even think we would survive. Our bodies can birth children, survive heartbreak, cry, grieve and heal, and come back even stronger on the other side. Our bodies are beautiful, resilient and a gift to us. We just need to take away the judgement of what our bodies should look like. See our bodies as our beautiful vessel to roam this earth, and to learn and grow. And honour the beauty of ourselves and all the women around us.
I am a big believer in moving your body in how you want to. How you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be 5 days a week in the gym like the media puts out is the only way to stay fit and toned. They make health and exercise so complicated and overwhelming. I have felt this in the past and got decision fatigue. I don't know what training style to do or who to trust. But really health is simple. Move your body often in ways that brings joy to you. And what fits into your life. This could be walking, dancing, gym, HITT workouts, running, and pole dancing. Moving your body should be enjoyable and a way to keep our bodies healthy because we love and appreciate what it does to us and want it to continue to be able to do this. When moving our bodies comes from a place of love and gratitude, I find exercising a lot more enjoyable and I stay more consistent. It's as easy as creating a habit of moving your body most days, and go from there. My exercise changes depending on how I am feeling. On my period week I often don't do weights and do less intense exercise as I'm more tired. I do more stretching/yoga at this time. I have just recently changed from strength training to more HITT style workouts which I am really enjoying. It's bringing me joy so I'm sticking with it.
I used to be a physio so I am pro movement as I know the benefits it brings both from research and from experience. It can reduce the risk of some long term health conditions, reduce blood pressure, is good for your heart, improves mood and mental health, sleep, strength and balance. I think it's important for your holistic health, affecting not only your physical health, but also emotional and mental health. For me it ultimately makes me happier and healthier, so that's why I prioritise it in my life.
What helped me stay consistent with moving my body was changing the reason on why I was exercising. I no longer exercise to look a certain way. I'm exercising to stay healthy, continue to do all the things I want to do in life, and not be limited by my health or fitness. If I want to climb that mountain I will. Don't get me wrong, I often slip into bad habits of wanting to lose fat and look a certain way. It's all over the media so it's hard to get away from it. But I think of it like rewiring my brain. Everytime I have that thought I bring it back to the real reason I'm exercising. I take care of my beautiful body to continue to live the life I want to live and be healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. I'm doing it because I love and appreciate this amazing body of mine. It comes from a place of love, nurture and gratitude. Not a place of judgement and criticism.
Working out for me is just as important mentally as it is physically. I feel a lot happier, clearer and positive when I workout consistently. I quickly feel sluggish, low and negative when I don't. This is just part of my beautiful journey of learning my body and connecting with it more. If I'm sitting all day I need to make sure I get up and move throughout the day, otherwise I get into a weird low mood by the end of the day. I challenge you to connect with your body more. Notice when it feels sluggish or restless. Listen to it and give it what it needs . Whether it's hydrating, a walk or rest. Rest is just as important as moving your body in my opinion. Learning to rest has been another tough lesson of mine, but let's leave that chat for another day.
Lets all together make the focus of moving our bodies a privilege. A privilege we have the ability to move our bodies and accomplish the things we want in this life. May we come from a place of love and gratitude for our bodies. And together may we all be more in love and connected with ourselves. Let's honour that this will look different for everyone, and let's support each other in achieving this together.
Let us place value not on how we look but the beauty inside. Let's change the narrative that society tells us one thought and action at a time. Let's place value on the kindness we give to others, the open arms of love and support we give, the connection with and helping others, even strangers, the compassion and love we elude. Let's make beauty what is truly within.
Thank you for being here and part of this beautiful community.
Until next time,

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